
I am deeply committed to using evidence-based treatments to help you overcome challenging experiences. I focus on assisting my clients as they build skills in four core domains:

Awareness to identify what triggers problematic patterns

Change to interrupt and alter problematic patterns

Willingness to accept what cannot be changed

Motivation to clarify and pursue what matters to you


Awareness has to do with getting out of auto-pilot. Mental health problems have triggers, or experiences that trigger problematic patterns of thinking and action. Often the problematic patterns seem as though they happen automatically and there is nothing one can do about them. Increasing awareness empowers you to turn off the auto-pilot and choose how you want to respond to triggers.


Change is often one of the primary goals of treatment for my clients. I have many tools for you to use and skills for you to practice as you learn how to change your thinking, actions, physiology, and emotions. You will practice these skills with me during our meetings and on your own between sessions.


Willingness is a way of relating to experience with curiosity and kindness, without engaging in excessive efforts to control. I will introduce you to exercises and techniques for you to use as you practice discerning between what can and cannot be changed.


Motivation is at the core of effective treatment, and is thus central to our work together. As treatment progresses you will experience more time, energy, and attention to devote to your highest priorities. I will assist you as you clarify what fills your heart and makes you feel most alive. We will use this light to guide us through our work together.